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Quality begins by placing customer satisfaction at the center of our thinking.
John F. Akers (*1934)
"Speed and quality" - that's what many translators offer. You will also get a fast translation using machine translation services on the Internet. You have certainly seen some of these translation fails, and probably laughed about menus at vacation spots ("Entraña a la parilla" = "It involves grilling"). But is this enough for you?

Are grammar and spelling correct? Has the required terminology been used? In Germany, translators in general do not qualify as a “regulated profession” in terms of the European Professional Qualifications Directive: no one can stop an unqualified person from working as a translator. Objective quality criteria can be checked. But style, underlying meaning, cultural assumptions, etc., are also important. Rely on the language experts.

Translations are always a matter of "taste", i.e. quality is what you - the customer - like and what is in line with your corporate language. I am looking forward to working closely with you so that you will have the translation that satisfies you.
Sworn translator
Sabine Nittel

Spanish, English, Romanian